Whitelisting Kajoo on Cloudflare

Whitelisting Kajoo on Cloudflare


If you are using Cloudflare, you will need to add our user agent Kajoo to your whitelist. This ensures that our services keep functioning without any interruptions. In order to do this, please follow the steps below:


  1. Sign in to your Cloudflare account.

  2. Select the site that you are using Kajoo.

  3. Navigate to Security > WAF.

A screenshot captured from Cloudflare to display Security > WAF page


  1. Click on Create rule button and start filling the form as described in the next steps and shown in the screenshot below.

A screenshot captured from Cloudflare to display the WAF rule configuration to whitelist Kajoo


 5. Give a name to the Firewall rule.

  1. Select User Agent for Field, contains for Operator from the corresponding dropdowns and set Kajoo to the Value. (Please note that the value is case-sensitive, so provide Kajoo exactly)

  2. Choose the action as Skip from the dropdown and check All remaining custom rules option.

  3. Finally, click on Deploy button at the bottom-right corner.

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