Creating New Projects

Creating New Projects

From the Kajoo dashboard, you can create new projects. Projects are components right now, but soon you’ll also be able to create complete pages.

To create a new project, click the “New Project” button on the Projects screen.

Start Building From Scratch

Canvas For Your New Project

By clicking on the “New Project” button, you will be taken to your new project.

Convert a Hand-Drawn Wireframe

One of Kajoo’s coolest features is its ability to look at hand-drawn wireframes and turn them into code. Both hand-drawn and digitally-drawn wireframes are acceptable. Kajoo uses AI technology to determine which parts of the wireframe correspond to web elements. For this translation to work, wireframes need to be drawn in specific ways, using our visual language.


Once you have created a compatible wireframe and saved it as an image file, you can upload it to Kajoo for translation into a canvas project.

  1. Select “Convert A Hand Drawn Wireframe” from the AI Design To Code section under the Add tab on the lleft-handside.

  2. In the next Modal window that pops up, upload your image file.


  3. Click “Import Figma” to see your hand-drawn creation turned into a component in the Kajoo Canvas!

Start From an Example Hand-Drawn Wireframe

If you just want to see how Kajoo works, or want to start with a standard starter template, you can select “Create from Example Project.”

  1. Click “Start From Hand Drawn Wireframe” from the AI Design To Code section under the Add tab on the left-hand side.

  2. Select among the pre-existing wireframes for Kajoo to turn into a project in the Canvas:


  3. Once selected, click “Import Figma.” and Kajoo will create a new project from the selected wireframe.

Import a Figma Design

Our newest option opens an entirely new Canvas to the user - check Using The New Canvas and Importing Figma Designs for more details.

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